Tuesday 11 December 2012

Birthday flowers !!!


     Flowers personify beauty, pleasure and perfection of nature. Flowers give many things to everybody and it does not matter if you are rich or poor, they give you a wonderful world in which you feel happy. Therefore people always try to decorate with these surprising gifts of nature not only the celebration and gala days of their life but also everyday life in which, people need to feel even more pleasure during their life on Earth.

    It seems that mother-nature presented us these wonderful creatures which during thousands of years bring in our life beauty, pleasure, and give us good mood and emotional health in any time of the year.

    According to the scientists opinion there are more than 270 000 types of flowers. And each flower in his own way is beautiful and unusual and brings a part of pleasure in our life in order to do it happier.

     Flowers always remain symbols of good mood and wonderful seasons.

Since my birthday had past a few days ago, I want to tell about birthday flowers.. :)


     Flowers for birthday are one of the best and original presents. Present for an birthday is always a beautiful bouquet or a  preferably flowers basket. Besides that we can put not only flowers in the basket, but also fruits, a box of chocolates or teddy bear.
     It is worth to remind that any bouquet presented with love even if it consists of only one carnation or spring tulip, sometimes means much more, than a huge smart bouquet which is difficult to keep in hands.
  • If a girl is brunette – for her will suit red roses, large gladioluses, dahlias, bright orchids, and bright carnations. Bright red colors make the brunette even more attractive.
  • If a girl is blonde – everything is absolutely on the contrary. To her will suit gentle-pink, white and light yellow colors. And it doesn’t matter what kind of flowers these are – whether roses, chrysanthemums, callas, lilies or orchids.
  • To red-haired girls will suit dark roses, violet and dark orchids, violets, hyacinths, gladioluses and many other flowers, especially of dark blue and violet color. And if there is a lot of green in the bouquet, than such bouquet will perfectly suit both a red-haired girl and a brown-haired girl. Though brown-haired girls usually like simple field or wild flowers.
    For any bouquet is extremely important a psychological implied sense of visually perceived general color scale: the prevalence of red tonality creates solemn, cheerful mood; white tonality creates – sensation of freshness and cleanliness; orange and yellow tonality – warmth and light; blue tonality – confidence.
    Everybody knows that rose is a symbol of love and beauty. And do you know that the color of roses is very important too. And other flowers can tell a lot of interesting things.The rose origin doesn’t matter it is undoubtedly the most known symbol of beauty and love. Pay attention on the sense of roses color.
So, red and white roses in one bouquet mean unity, pink mean grace and elegance, and yellow mean pleasure or pleasure of communication. It is possible to express your feelings and desires with the help of orange or coral roses. Dark red or claret roses will tell your beloved person that she is very beautiful. Pink roses mean hope and tenderness.

     A single rose means modesty, and is good in addition for a present. A person who chooses violet color is deeply and thin feeling person who is guided by eternal values and very seriously concerns to his environment, in this case to you.  The fresh orange tone symbolizes the optimistical relation to the validity, a sign of attachment and passionate desires. Yellow color is good for expression of rough feelings too. Scarlet flowers say about ardent deep feeling and passionate desire. White flowers are paints of cleanliness and innocence – a bright proof of tender feelings, respect and passionate attachment of your beloved person.

     It is considered that to each zodiacal sign there corresponds a flower:
  • Aries (The Ram) – geranium
  • Taurus (The Bull) – rose
  • Gemini (The Twins) – orchid, rose, violet
  • Cancer (The Crab) – lotus, lily, white rose
  • Leo (The Lion) – lily of the valley, orchid, gladiolus
  • Virgo (The Maiden) – carnation, lavender
  • Libra (The Scales) – lotus
  • Scorpio (The Scorpion) – narcissus
  • Sagittarius (The Archer) – lavender, violet
  • Capricorn (The Sea-goat) – orchid, poppy
  • Aquarius (The Water Bearer) – lily, narcissus                 

  • Pieces (The Fish) – rose                                                     
If you want to know more about flowers, go to this link:

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